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Main Principles of Teaching and Partnerships

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  • To do active listening and reflection. 
  • To co-create and maintain an environment for successful teaching, mentoring and learning for youth of color.
  • Create a safe nurturing space.
  • Increase engagement (relatability).
  • Support critical thinking by building connections. 
  • Community involvement creates a successful environment for engaging, educating and motivating youth.
The purpose of learning is to contribute to self- worth, self- discovery, community, society and the workforce. I believe learning is embedded in development. Development to me is continuous, ever changing and constant growth. When people learn, I think we evolve our ways of thinking, contributing and being. While people are taught to love, people are also taught to hate. Each place has a rich history of people, events and more than human entities who live on and use the land. I acknowledge the original inhabitants of the land that I live, work and play on. I think different groups of people must be recognized and appreciated to make sure they are seen and their narratives are included within the history and change to the land. Multiple ways of understanding will benefit all.


Watershed Lesson Analysis and Revamp (AmeriCorps)


Philosophy of Education Poster 

Climate and Power Presentation

Adding Your Story Chronicles

This is a series of videos I made in summer of 2020 when I was a Nature and Mindfulness Camp mentor with the the Portland, Oregon community- based organization, PDX Alliance for Self-Care. The organization's mission and vision aimed to build a resource to connect vulnerable communities in Portland with self-care resources, practitioners, and events. I assisted in making curriculum for 4 weeks of virtual programming for participants in 5th-12th grades. This series is showing my self talking about the environment around me and my own sense making to understand the world and our relation to it. I am a representation of people of color doing science and living life.  Click the links below to watch. 

I, Tiffany, tell the audience about myself and how I got to where I am today. 

Participant engage with their environment around them and learn from their more than human teachers. They engage with different plants and parts of a plant. Play Plant Bingo! 

Participants use their own knowledge and identity to engage with these questions: what do you need to know to co-exist on this planet with the environment? What do you need to know to grow food and how can you get that information? 

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